TOP 10 Things to Do While Using a Face Mask

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Over 90% of the US is on lockdown to prevent further spread of COVID-19, The best way to avoid coronavirus is to wear a mask , The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) CDC recommends Americans wear cloth masks to limit spread of COVID-19.

TOP 10 Things to Do While Using a Face Mask
image credit pixabay

Top 10 things to consider when using a mask

  1.  Wash hands with soap and water or with hand sanitizer with 70% alcohol before wearing the mask
  2.  The mask should cover your mouth and nose, and there should be no gaps between your face and the mask.
  3. Do not touch the mask after wearing it. Try not to touch the mask again until you remove it.
  4. It is not advisable to wear the mask under the nose and as a decoration on the neck
  5. Even when wearing a mask, there should be no hassle when it comes to periodically cleaning your hands.
  6. When removing the mask, hold it only on the vines without touching the front
  7. Do not pull the used mask. Only deposit in the closed waste bin.
  8. Do not assume that using the mask is a complete defense against Covid
  9. Do not think that wearing normal masks would completely prevent the virus from climbing into our body. But if we have a virus, it can help prevent transmission to others. The most important thing, therefore, is the personal hygiene and the physiological distance.
  10. Hordes of people must be avoided. It is better if you can maintain a distance of one and a half meters.
Buy face masks from Amazon

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